Thursday, February 26, 2015

Week 7

Last week in Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction, we built Animal Targets to shoot our last two projects, Pen Bows and Pencil Crossbows, at. We had fun building all sorts of weird animals. One animal was even labeled "The Government". Very strange animals indeed.

This week in Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction, we built small Catapults. These small catapults were made with craft sticks rubber-banded together. These catapults can launch small objects high into the air, if not very far forward.

Next week in Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction, we are going to build a big Catapult to fire some "small" objects in the parking lot.

If anyone has any cardboard to contribute, later this year we will be building some shields with cardboard and it would be nice to have some to spare.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Week 4

This last week we had a fun time at mini weapons. We built the marshmallow poppers again and we shot the marshmallow poppers and the slingshots at targets outside. This next week we are going to make a pen crossbow that will shoot the inside of a pen.

See you on Thursday,